Who Let the Dogs Out?
When Dogs Need to be on a Leash: Legal Considerations and Implications
Pet adoption has significantly increased during the Covid-19 pandemic and there are many new dog owners who may not be aware of their responsibilities when enjoying the outdoors with their pets.
Municipalities in the Simcoe County area tend to have similar by-laws which require a dog to be on a leash when off of private property, . . .
Posted in: by-lawscovid-19dogsleash lawslegislationliabilitymunicipal lawmunicipalitiesontariosimcoe county
Can I Cut Down My Own Christmas Tree?
Tree-cutting laws in Ontario
The holidays are fast approaching. If you love having a real Christmas tree but you don’t want to pay for one, you may be looking to chop one down in a local forest or maybe get one from your own property.
But…is it allowed? In Ontario, the short answer is: it depends.
Individuals are permitted to cut down a tree on crown . . .