A Prosecutor's Obligations
Originally presented at the OBA’s Ontario Legal Conference: Municipal, Planning and Environmental Law - Feb 9-10, 2023
There are important distinctions between the role played by municipal prosecutors and the other, various roles that lawyers employed or retained by municipalities have. This paper reviews the . . .
Posted in: building code actchartercharter of rights and freedomsconfidentialconfidentialitycriminal codedevelopersdisclosurefippafreedom of information and protection of privacy actland use planninglegislationlocal planning appeal tribunallpatmfippamining and lands tribunalmunicipal freedom of information and protection of privacy actmunicipal lawmunicipalitiesontarioontario land tribunalontario municipal boardpoa courtprivilegeprosecutionprosecutorprosecutorialprovincial offencesprovincial offences actreal estatesimcoe countystinchcombetorontotoronto local appeal bodytribunals ontario
The process of having land expropriated
an overview for property owners
Expropriation, in its simplest form, is the taking of privately owned land by a government body for public purposes. Expropriation often occurs when extensive infrastructure projects need to be completed, such as building roads or schools in areas where land has already been developed and purchased. When land is being expropriated, approval . . .
Posted in: expropriationexpropriations actland ownerland use planningmunicipal lawontarioontario land tribunalreal estatesimcoe county
The LPAT has now merged with four other tribunals to form the Ontario Land Tribunal; apologies in advance for all the acronyms
It seems like just yesterday we were writing RIP OMB; HI LPAT when the Ontario Municipal Board (“OMB”) was replaced by the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT”) on April 3, 2018.
As of today, June 1, 2021, the LPAT, Environmental Review Tribunal (“ERT”) and Board of Negotiation (“BON”) have merged with the Conservation Review Board . . .
Posted in: board of negotiationbreakingnewsconservation review boarddevelopersenvironmental review tribunalland use planninglegislationlocal planning appeal tribunallpatmining and lands tribunalmunicipal lawmunicipalitiesontarioontario land tribunalontario municipal boardpublic participationsimcoe countytribunals ontario